Percy Wood Community Rooms
Allocated - AMAZON
Community Room Redecoration Project
SDCVS Project Reference PRJ-23-0304
This is a community room service the Percy Wood Close residents. The group are looking for support with redecorating and refreshing their community room, and associated toilets and kitchen.
The project will comprise of preparing surfaces for painting, painting the walls and cleaning when complete.
Materials and equipment will be provided (for example paint, rollers, brushes, trays etc), however, the volunteers will be responsible for ensuring they are dressed appropriately, have food and refreshments and are wearing suitable footwear.
Percy Wood Close, Hilton, DERBY, Derbyshire DE65 5GF, England, United Kingdom
Volunteer Duties:
(including the physical requirements involved)
Moving and working on the project site, involving:
Lifting and carrying equipment and materials;
Standing; and
Use of hand tools, involving:
Hand dexterity.