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The main role of a Community Ambassador is to speak publicly on behalf of TWAM and be our public face in their locality. This will mean receiving invitations from a variety of groups wanting a volunteer speaker to talk about TWAM. Talks can be from 10 minutes to 40 minutes long and may include a Q&A session. Please don’t worry as we will not ask you to speak at a meeting you are not confident to attend.
Anywhere within England and Wales (but not Devon or Cornwall).
Is the location accessible for those with physical disabilities or limited mobility?
Is the location accessible by public transport?
Talk requests can be day time or evening seven days a week. We do encourage you to be as flexible as you can.
Could this role be carried out virtually or through a hybrid volunteering model?
Is a criminal record check (DBS) required for this role?
Is a driving license required?
Are expenses covered?
What will you be doing?
Groups such as Rotary, U3A, and WI ask for talks about TWAM. We also work with many Churches who ask us to speak at Church Services and Mid-week meetings (we will only ask a Christian comfortable with this setting to speak at Churches). We will provide talks and presentations that you can use, and for our busiest Community Ambassadors, we can also provide projectors and screens. We ask our Ambassadors to try and get their own meetings as well as waiting for those referred by us. An email or phone call to a local group will often lead to an invitation.
What skills are required?
Is training provided?
Additional important information
Apply now....
For further information on this opportunity call 01283 219761 or email
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