We currently have 89! amazing volunteering opportunities available
Volunteering Opportunities
Welcome to our Volunteering Opportunities! Here, you will find a variety of ways to get involved and make a positive impact in community. Whether you're looking to share your skills, meet new people, or simply give back, we have something for everyone. Explore the options available and join us in making a difference!

Active Travel Volunteer Drivers
Our friendly team of Active Travel drivers help increase mobility and independence especially for vulnerable, elderly and less mobile residents of South Derbyshire. They offer practical support, friendly company and a safe journey to and from their essential and or social appointments.
Could you be one of them? You would be taking clients from their homes to their essential appointments and back, using your own vehicle and accompanying them at the destination if necessary.
Suitable for u18?
South Derbyshire CVS
South Derbyshire

Connect Befriender
To support vulnerable adults in South Derbyshire who are socially isolated or lonely.
Volunteers provide confidential, one to one support via home visiting or telephone; helping to reduce the feeling of loneliness and isolation and improve wellbeing.
Suitable for u18?
South Derbyshire CVS
South Derbyshire

Events Volunteer
Events Volunteers will provide a helpful and friendly service that will contribute to the
smooth running of the museum events and activities. Helping to plan, develop and implement activities and events. Source sponsors and materials for a range of
activities. Assist on the day by guiding participants and providing a warm welcome for our visitors. You will be on hand to answer any immediate questions, help them to orientate themselves and generally provide the information they need to ensure they
have a comfortable, enjoyable and memorable visit.
Suitable for u18?
Sharpe's Pottery Museum
Sharpe's Pottery Museum, West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG

Mobile Resource Centre Volunteer-
The Mobile Resource Centre was set up to deliver eye health information and demonstrate low vision aids and equipment to visually impaired people, their family and to interested members of the public. We travel to specific locations around the county, such as retirement villages, health care centres, libraries, garden centres or local social groups and coffee mornings. We usually visit for a few hours in a morning or afternoon. Our aim is to help people by advising them what support is available, and to promote good eye health.
Our volunteers benefit from becoming more knowledgeable about support for visually impaired people and having the opportunity to go out into the community and make a big difference.
Suitable for u18?
Sight Support Derbyshire

Retail Volunteer (Church Gresley)
Our amazing team of vibrant & diverse volunteers helps us run over 600 shops. Our stores sell lots of great donated & new goods to help raise vital funds to make a real difference to disadvantaged children, young people and families across the UK. Our retail stores are the face of our charity on the high-street and in local communities. We have loads of amazing stock donated to us every week, and this all needs to be sorted, tagged and put on the shop-floor for sale!
Suitable for u18?
Unit 3 Castleton Park, Church Gresley, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 9JT

Collection Box Volunteer Drive
You will be collecting and replacing our Sight Support Derbyshire collection boxes that are situated around the county, Your ‘patch’ can be in and around the areas where you live, or a little further afield if you agree. You will need access to your own vehicle and we will reimburse your out of pocket expenses in line with our expenses policy.
Suitable for u18?
Sight Support Derbyshire
Driving Derby/Chesterfeild

Coin Counting Volunteer
Sight Support Derbyshire is an independent charity, which needs to raise funds in order to provide services for blind and visually impaired people around the county. We require a volunteer to help with counting coins from our collection boxes ready for banking.
Suitable for u18?
Sight Support Derbyshire
2A Wentworth House, Vernon Gate, Derby, DE1 1UR

Home Visiting Befriending Volunteer
Our Home Visiting Befriending Scheme was set up to help alleviate some of the isolation that may be caused by visual impairment, for example in a situation where someone has very little contact with friends and family.
A Befriender helps in many different ways such as visiting and having a cup of tea & a chat, agreed shopping or outings together, or more practical help with reading mail or the newspaper. Many of our volunteers and service users build up a very good, long term, trusting relationship.
Suitable for u18?
Sight Support Derbyshire
Derbyshire, UK

Sight Support Derbyshire is an independent charity, which needs to raise funds in order to provide services for blind and visually impaired people around the county. Raising awareness of what we do is vital, and having up to date photographs helps us promote ourselves through our website, social media, and traditional media.
Suitable for u18?
Sight Support Derbyshire

Visitor Welcome Volunteer
Our Visitor Welcome volunteers create a positive first impression with a warm welcome; helping visitors get all they need from their visit. You’ll also help us provide a personalised thank you, leaving people with a positive lasting impression.
Suitable for u18?
The Children's Country House at Sudbury - National Trust
Sudbury Hall, Main Road, Ashbourne, DE6 5HT

House Experience Volunteer
If only these walls could talk! That’s why our House Experience volunteers make such a difference. They give everyone a warm welcome, bring stories from Sudbury to life and help people get the best our of their day.
Suitable for u18?
The Children's Country House at Sudbury - National Trust
Sudbury Hall, Main Road, Ashbourne, DE6 5HT

Collections Care & Conservation Volunteer
Help us to look after our buildings, gardens, and collections to ensure children can continue to enjoy, discover and explore for years to come.
Suitable for u18?
The Children's Country House at Sudbury - National Trust
Sudbury Hall, Main Road, Ashbourne, DE6 5HT